
The first agile principle says “Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software”. To make this happen, agile teams need to measure their progress towards delivering business value. How do teams measure their progress towards delivering valuable software to customers? We willRead More →

Scrum Process

The purpose for this Introduction to Scrum post is to give you a brief and quick overview of Scrum Framework: Scrum is a lightweight, iterative and incremental agile framework that is open to change. Scrum is the most popular agile framework that is used to manage software projects. It’s aRead More →


Quality Management in Agile Projects is different than a traditional waterfall project. An agile approach focusses on shifting the role of quality earlier and continuously throughout the development lifecycle. Waterfall methods validate quality towards the end of a project, making bug fixing costlier. When teams transition to agile they sometimesRead More →

When working on an Agile project, it is critical for the team to communicate effectively. Project communication is one of the most critical success factors for any project, regardless of the project management methodology. In fact, it is said that around 80% of a project managers job is communicating. ItRead More →