Scope Management Plan


Our Scope Management Plan Template will guide you through documenting your projects’ scope management approach, roles and responsibilities, scope definition, verification and control measures, and scope change control.  It is a major input to the Project Management Plan and other scope management processes such as the Work Breakdown Structure as well as Requirements Management.

File Information:

Scope Management Plan:

Format:  Microsoft Word (.docx)

Number of Pages: 7

Size: 40 KB


Our Scope Management Plan Template will guide you through documenting your projects’ scope management approach, roles and responsibilities, scope definition, verification and control measures, and scope change control.  It is a major input to the Project Management Plan and other scope management processes such as the Work Breakdown Structure as well as Requirements Management.


Why is it important?

Scope management is a key component of project management, it sets boundaries around what will and what will not be developed.  It is important to keep scope properly managed so the project team develops what the customer expects and not something they didn’t ask for. Our scope management plan will help to guide you through a proper process to set those boundaries around your project.

File Information:

Scope Management Plan:

Format:  Microsoft Word (.docx)

Number of Pages: 7

Size: 40 KB


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